Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Philippine Numbers

Interestingly,  there is something special about statistics in the Philippines concerning education and the government. I would rather take the numbers stated here as belonging to "Philippines' Sex Number System" for the time being.  I would like to add another number here: 

92 million + 11 million = 103 million: the  estimated population of the Philippines who were products of intelligent sex. The 92 million people are loyalists that's why they are in the Philippines while the other 11 million Filipinos live overseas. I belong to the latter group.

Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 11:46:00 07/17/2010

Filed Under: Health, Education

80: Total number of elementary public schools in the country where sex education modules were pilot tested when classes opened last June 15. The project of the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, called “Institutionalizing Adolescent Reproductive Health through Lifeskills-Based Education,” was pilot-tested in Grades 5 and 6 classes in Olongapo City, Ifugao, Mountain Province, Masbate, Bohol, Eastern Samar, Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi and Sultan Kudarat.

79: Number of public high schools that participated in the sex ed pilot testing

29: Number of schools in which the Education department and the United Nations Children’s Fund launched in March a program designed to raise awareness among students on the importance of abstinence, making the right decisions, and the consequences of “sexual experience either by choice or due to pressure from peer groups”

5: The appropriate starting age for children to receive mandatory sexuality education, according to a report by the United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organization. The 98-page report, called “International Guidelines for Sexuality Education,” was released in 2009 and offers students 5 to 18 years old a “universal lesson plan” that includes an “informed approach to effective sex and relationships” as well as HIV education.

65: Estimated number of representatives in the incoming 15th Congress who are in favor of passing the Reproductive Health bill, according to Ramon San Pascual of the Philippine Legislators Committee on Population and Development last May. The RH bill calls for sex education in all schools, among others.

2 out of 3: Proportion of women in the Philippines who did not know that the HIV/AIDS virus cannot be transmitted by sharing food with an HIV-positive person, nor through mosquito bites, according to the 2008 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) conducted by the National Statistics Office among women 15 to 49 years old.

2 out of 5: Proportion of women from the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) who had never heard of AIDS, according to the same study.

20 to 30: Estimated percentage of condom use among groups at risk of HIV infection (e.g. sex workers) in the Philippines, according to a study by the National Center in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. According to the study published in the Journal of the International AIDS Society, RP has the lowest rate of condom use in Asia.

30 to 35: Estimated percentage of overseas Filipino workers among the total number of reported HIV cases in the country, according to the same study.

700: Number of HIV cases recorded in the country during the first five months of 2010, according to the Department of Health.

31: Percentage of births that were unplanned among women aged 15 to 19, according to the 2008 NDHS.

26: Percentage of Filipinos aged 15 to 25 who have experienced premarital sex, according to the 2002 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study by the University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) and the Demographic Research and Development Foundation.

Compiled by Schatzi Quodala, Inquirer Research
Sources: PDI Archives, foxnews.com, United Nations, UNESCO

Attribution:  http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/sim/sim/view/20100717-281645/Numbers
                     Both  retrieved on July 20, 2010

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